Thursday, February 06, 2025
We are Second, where He is First

About Us



We are a body of believers committed to worshiping and serving Jesus Christ. As a Southern Baptist church, we join with like-minded Christians in spreading the gospel around the world and in particular right here in our own community.

Christ reached out to people of all ages and backgrounds, and at Second Baptist Church, we desire to do the same. That is why you will discover here ministries geared to various life stages and needs, from preschool through senior adults. That is why we have a place for everyone to study the Scriptures, fellowship together and minister to others through numerous service opportunities.
Our outreach ministry, "GO", meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 to make visits, phone calls, write letters and pray for prospects and recent visitors. We sincerely desire to reach out to the entire community. Second Baptist is "a common man's church" where EVERYONE is welcome.
Exceptional Ministries is a special education Sunday School class and worship time for the mentally and physically challenged of our community. We sponsor The Baptist Hour each Monday at 12:30 pm on AM 610 WRUS. The Sunday morning worship service is broadcast every four months (April, August and December) on the same station.
Experiencing Discleship meets at 6 on Sunday evening. A variety of opportunities are available to help you further your knowledge of God's word and to fellowship with others. TeamKIDS is a children's group that meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30. Supper, music and Bible study are provided each week.
The adult organizations (Brotherhood, BMW, BYW and Women on Missions) meet monthly. The Golden Heirs is a ministry for senior adults that meet montly for an outing and fellowship. The Glory Travelers is a group of adults the gather for fun, fellowship and short overnight trips. A Widow/Widowers Luncheon is held monthly. Second Baptist also has a men's and women's Jail Ministry that meets monthly at the Logan County Jail.
Creative Ministries will allow you to participate in worship through the use of puppets, drama, sign language, banners and other creative means of expression. A Nursing Home ministry meets monthly at the Russellville Health Care Manor to provide music and devotion for the residents. The Sanctuary Adult Choir meets on Sunday evening at 5:45 and all are welcome to join in to participate in the choir. A Youth Choir meets on Wednesday evening at 6 pm.
"Pier 419" is a unique opportunity for the youth to meet each Wednesday. This is a special themed room for the youth to meet for fellowship and Bible study. This gathering place is based on the "fishers of men" scripture in Matthew 4:19 and features all kinds of special items and decorations.
It is an exciting time at Second Baptist Church and we want you to be a part of the blessings of God in the life of the church. Come visit with us soon!!!